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Nursery Week

Nursery Week

This can be laminated and used as a visual aid, letting staff know whats is happening each day. Good for team communication at a glance.
Challenge Us poster

Challenge Us poster

Use this poster to let parent/ carers know what the children are learning, also can be added to classroom door to encourage other adults to challenge the children on learning.
Under construction sign

Under construction sign

This resource was designed and created to use when children want to leave and come back to something, such as building with Lego or making a track for cars.
Medical Services Sticker

Medical Services Sticker

Stickers can be printed onto a 18 label template. A useful sticker to use when focussing on the work of the UK medical services (nurses, doctors and paramedics’ and linking to topics such as ‘people who help us’ and ‘emergency services’